صرحت مديرة القنوات الرقمية المتعددة في مراكز ماجد الفطيم للتسوق: "كان هناك طلب متزايد على التجارب الرقمية في السنوات القليلة الماضية".
Shopping News
Shopping is an activity of selecting suitable goods and services for the future purchase of the best of them. Online shopping is currently a major sector of the retail industry. Shopping sites have taken a large number of customers due to easy usage, lower prices and time efficiency compared to offline shopping. Retail companies try to gather an even larger consuming base by implementing new technologies. Online shopping with Bitcoin within major retailers was first offered by Overstock.com in 2014. There are still very few shopping sites that accept Bitcoin, but the number of them is growing over time. Sites that allow online shopping with Bitcoin can get a larger number of clients by adding crypto enthusiasts and people who want to try cryptocurrency payments into their customer base. Famous online shopping sites that accept Bitcoin are Expedia, Virgin Galactic, Gyft and Steam.
- أخبار محلية
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استخدم حوالي ٤٥٠٠٠٠ من عملاء جيه دي دوت كوم اليوان الرقمي الصيني للمدفوعات اعتبارًا من يونيو ٢٠٢١
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