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Monacoin News

Monacoin is the first Japanese open-source cryptocurrency launched in 2013 by Mr. Watanabe, the anonymous forum user. The coin is based on peering technology. Monacoin uses the Lyra2RE (v2) and proof of work algorithm for block approve. Every 90 blocks the miner earns 25 MONA coins. Block creation time takes one and a half minutes, and the difficulty of mining varies on each block according to the Dark Gravity Wave v3 algorithm. The parties set a transaction fee to the transaction. Monacoin project has its official cryptocurrency wallet available for MacOS, Android, and Linux. The emission of MONA coin is 105,12 Mio. Its extensive usage in Japan determines the popularity of the coin. People consider it Japanese national digital money. Quite a big range of shops and restaurants in Japan accept this coin as a regular fiat.