كجزء من الإطلاق، دخلت كوين بيز في شراكة مع ليدجر لإصدار محفظة أجهزة "نانو إكس" ذات إصدار محدود من كوين بيز
Nano أخبار

NANO is a cryptocurrency project the main feature of which is its light protocol and high accessibility. The coin was launched in 2015 by Colin LeMahieu as RaiBlocks as an efficient payment platform. The Nano (NANO) coin is mostly powered by its Delegated Proof-of-Stake consensus algorithm but also implements Proof-of-Work to perform transactions. The Nano cryptocurrency blockchain is actually a system of blockchains combined together by the Directed Acyclic Graph technology. This approach allows the network to be highly scalable, provide nearly instant transactions and a very secure structure for financial exchange. At the time of writing this article, the Nano market capitalization provides a coin with a place in the top-50 cryptos in terms of market cap with its being over 119 million dollars.
- أخبار
- مراقبة العملات البديلة
تومض الإشارات الهبوطية باللون الأحمر الساطع حيث انطلقت نانو في حالة هياج بسبب تغريدة (ولكنها قصيرة العمر) كيف يمكن للمتداولين الاستفادة من ارتفاعات العملات المشفرة التي تحركها وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي؟